Monday, 23 February 2009

Το Χρονικό των Δέκα Ημερών - On Günün Günlügü - Agapi Molyviati - Venezi

Book title: Το Χρονικό των Δέκα Ημερών, Αiβαλί (Κυδωνίες) 1922
Turkish title: On Günün Günlügü
Author: Agapi Molyviati - Venezi
ISBN: Greek edition 978-960-201-189-8, Turkish edition: 975-9067-05-6
Language: Greek, Turkish
Year: First edition 1978
Publisher: ELIA ( in Turkey Albatros Kitap, 2005, translation Kostas Sarioglou
Description: The personal testimony of Agapi Molyviati - Venezi the sister of the author, Ilias Venezis, about the 10 days she lived at the arrival of the Turkish army at Ayvali in 1922, witnessing all the incidents. And the exceptional, Turkish officer Kemalletin, who rescued her.
Comments: A painful book, that should be read both by Greek and Turks, to understand the darkness of the war, and the small light in the gap, enough for the next generation to follow.


I do not know whether to pray or protest loud, whether to stay loyal to that taught or deny everything ... Why do humans have so much hate to humans?
Δεν ξέρω αν πρέπει να προσευχηθείς ή να βροντοφωνάξεις τη διαμαρτυρία σου, αν πρέπει να μείνεις πιστός σε ότι διδάχτηκες ή να αρνηθείς τα πάντα... Γιατί ο άνθρωπος έχει μισήσει τόσο πολύ τον άνθρωπο;

Ι shut my ears not to hear, not to hear voices. But these were no longer there. They penetrated deep inside…
Έκλεινα τα αυτιά μου να μην ακούω, να μην ακούω φωνές. Μα αυτές δε βρίσκονταν πια εκεί. Είχαν εισχωρήσει βαθιά.

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