Sunday 18 October 2009

A Periodical - Toplumsal Tarih ( Social History )

TOPLUMSAL TARİH ( Social History )

Description: A periodical published by the History Foundation since January 1994. The journal presents a fusion of the popular and the academic, each issue offering a number of interesting articles covering a wide field extending from prehistoric times to the present, the emphasis being on the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. The journal also holds an annual "History Competition" for university students, to raise the students' history consciousness and to accustom them to scholarly research and writing.


Toplumsal Tarih’in Ekim sayısı Lozan Antlaşması’na ek protokol uyarınca Türkiye ve Yunanistan arasında yaşanan ‘Büyük Mübadele’nin getirdiklerini sayfalarına taşıyor.

Toplumsal Tarih 190. sayısında Türkiye ve Yunanistan’da büyük mübadelenin sosyopolitik, kültürel izlerini ve entegrasyon sürecini inceleyen ve editörlüğünü Nikos Sigalas ile Lisa Montmayeur’ün yaptığı “Mübadeleden Sonra” başlıklı dosyaya yer veriyor. Dosya içerisinde yer alan, Haris Theodorelis-Rigas’ın “Marjinalleşme Sesleri: Rembetiko Şarkıları Üzerinden Mübadele Deneyiminin Yunanistan’daki Yönleri” başlıklı makalesi mübadeleyle birlikte Yunanistan’a Anadolu’dan ve doğu Trakya’dan gelen mübadillerin yaşadıkları trajediyi rembetiko şarkılarını inceleyerek bize aktarıyor.

Yine dosya içerisinde, Mehmet Ö. Alkan “Selanik’ten İstanbul’a: Bir Muhacir ve Mübadil Olarak Terakki Okulları” isimli makalesinde Selanik’te kurulan Terakki Okulları’nın mübadele sürecinde İstanbul’a göçünün hikâyesini ele alıyor. Samim Akgönül “Soyadları Yoluyla Kimliğin Meşrulaştırılması: 1923 Türk Mübadilleri Örneği” başlıklı makalesinde Yunanistan’dan Türkiye’ye gelen mübadillerin soyadları aracılığıyla ulusal kimliğe dâhil olma süreçlerini inceliyor. E. Tutku Vardağlı ise “Birinci Kuşak Mübadillerin Siyasal Katılım Stratejileri Üzerine Bir Deneme” isimli makalesinde farklı sınıflardan gelen mübadillerin yeni geldikleri topraklarda nasıl bir siyasal örgütlenme içine girdiklerini ve siyasal katılım biçimlerini inceliyor.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Bulutları Beklerken (Waiting For The Clouds)

Title: Bulutları Beklerken (Waiting For The Clouds)
Directed and written by Yesim Ustaoglu
Source Writer :Georgios Andreadis
Cast: Ruchan Caliskur, Dimitris Kamberidis, Ridvan Yagci, Ismail Baysan, Yannis Georgiadis, Feride Karaman, Suna Selen, Oktar Durukan, Irene Tachmatzidou, Damoklia Mustakidou, Fatma Parlagi
Time:92 minutes

"Turkish director Yesim Ustaoglu weaves a moving tale about the meaning of identity and the power of home. Along Turkey's northeastern Black Sea coast, beautiful valleys shrouded in mist hide terrible secrets about the country's bloody past. An elderly woman looks back on her long life after the death of her sister. For over 50 years, she has carefully guarded a secret about her distant past, but grief threatens to expose that she and her sister are Greek, not Turkish. In the early 1920s, after the Turkish War of Independence, Greeks were forcefully deported. But the old woman and her sister hid their true identity for five decades. Now she feels compelled to search for a long-lost brother in Greece.
Adapted from the novel by Georgios Andreadis, WAITING FOR THE CLOUDS follows an elderly woman living in Turkey on the coast of the Black Sea. There, she contemplates her painful past and the secret she's been hiding for 50 years."

About the Director: Yesim Ustaoglu

After making several award-winning shorts, Yesim Ustaoglu made her feature film debut with 1994's "Iz" (The Trace). The film was presented at numerous international venues, including Moscow and Gotenburg. Ustaoglu received international recognition for her 1999 film "Gunese Yolculuk" (Journey to the Sun). In competition at the Berlin Film Festival, "Journey to the Sun" received the Blue Angel Award (Best European Film) and the Peace Prize, as well as Best Film, Best Director, the FIPRESCI Prize, and the Audience Award at the Istanbul Film Festival. Yesim Ustaoglu's recent documentary, "Sirtlarindaki Hayat" (Life on their Shoulders) was screened at the 10th Annual Boston Turkish Arts and Culture Festival in 2005.

Selected Filmography:

Life on their Shoulders (Sirtlarindaki Hayat) (Documentary, 2004)
Waiting for the Clouds (Bulutlari Beklerken, 2004)
Journey to the Sun (Gunese Yolculuk, 1999)
The Trace (Iz, 1994)

Starting trailer of Yeşim Ustaoğlu's Bulutlari beklerken (Waiting for the Clouds) (2003). Archive film shots of the resettlement of the Pontus Greeks.