Turkish title: Yegane Miras
Author: Yorgos Yoannu
ISBN: 975-05-0070-9
Language: Turkish
Publisher: In Turkey İletişim Yayınları, 2002, translation Müfide Pekin
Description: Yunan edebiyatının en büyük düzyazı ustalarından ve önemli şairlerinden, annesi ve babası Tekirdağ-Keşan doğumlu Yorgos Yoannu, çocukluk ve yeniyetmelik dönemlerinin anılarını bir araya getirdiği Yegâne Miras’ta okura, 1923 Mübadelesi’nden sonra ailesinin yerleştiği Selânik’ten, daha sonra görevli gittiği Atina ve Bingazi’den son derece canlı insan portreleri ve günlük yaşam manzaraları sunuyor. Yeniyetme bir delikanlı olarak yaşadığı İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında, bombalar altında yıkılan Selânik’te yazarın kendi aile çevresinde gelişen traji-komik olaylarla örülen bu öykülerin ayrıntılarında Yunanistan’ın gizli çağdaş tarihini bulmak mümkün. Yeni gelişmekte olan bir toplumsal yapının kuruluş sancıları içinde yaşama tutunmaya çalışan küçük insanın sıkıntıları, artık kaybolmaya yüz tutan alışkanlıklar, yok olan tatlar, Yegâne Miras’ın ana temalarını oluşturuyor. Kitapta yer alan “Kemal’in Evi” adlı öykü, Yunanistan’da orta öğretim edebiyat ders kitaplarında düzyazı örneği olarak okutulmakta.
Yorgos Yoannu, whose parents were from Tekirdağ-Keşan area, was one of the greatest writers and poets in Greek literature. In his book, he talks about his memories from his childhood and teenage years. He writes about Selanik where his parents moved after the Exchange of Population which took place in 1923, Athens and Bingazi where he went on duty and gives vivid human portraits and scenes from daily life. He talks about the Second World War which he went through as a young man and describes Selanik collapsing under the bomb attacks, and tragicomic stories which surround his family. Within the details of the stories, the reader can find traces of Greece’s hidden history. The difficulties of people who try to hold on to life, living in an era where a new social structure is being formed, habits which are fading away, customs which are disappearing, form the main themes of the book. The story “Kemal’s House” in the book is being taught as an example of literary text in Greek secondary school literature classes.
Yorgos Yoannu, whose parents were from Tekirdağ-Keşan area, was one of the greatest writers and poets in Greek literature. In his book, he talks about his memories from his childhood and teenage years. He writes about Selanik where his parents moved after the Exchange of Population which took place in 1923, Athens and Bingazi where he went on duty and gives vivid human portraits and scenes from daily life. He talks about the Second World War which he went through as a young man and describes Selanik collapsing under the bomb attacks, and tragicomic stories which surround his family. Within the details of the stories, the reader can find traces of Greece’s hidden history. The difficulties of people who try to hold on to life, living in an era where a new social structure is being formed, habits which are fading away, customs which are disappearing, form the main themes of the book. The story “Kemal’s House” in the book is being taught as an example of literary text in Greek secondary school literature classes.
“Kemal’in Evinde” öyküsünden alıntı: “…Herkes eski güzelliğinden, eski şaşaasından bahsediyordu evin. Ben bütün bu yüksek sesli konuşmaların arasında bir ihtiyar kadının alçak sesle söylediği şu sözleri çok iyi hatırlıyorum: ‘Bu ev bir beyzadeye aitti, beyzadenin serin sular misali bir de kızı vardı. Merdivenlerden bir aşağı, bir yukarı yürümez, adeta akardı. Evi terk ederlerken eğildi, basamağı öptü. Bu gözlerim böylesine derin bir yürek acısını bir daha görmedi.’”
From the book: “….Everybody was talking about the former beauty and extravagance of the house. Among all the talks, I remember with great clarity the words of an old woman told in a low whisper: “This house used to belong to a young noble and he had an extremely graceful daughter. While climbing up and coming down the staircase, she almost didn’t walk but flowed like water. When they left the house, she kissed the step. My eyes have never seen such a deep heart ache.”
From the book: “….Everybody was talking about the former beauty and extravagance of the house. Among all the talks, I remember with great clarity the words of an old woman told in a low whisper: “This house used to belong to a young noble and he had an extremely graceful daughter. While climbing up and coming down the staircase, she almost didn’t walk but flowed like water. When they left the house, she kissed the step. My eyes have never seen such a deep heart ache.”
Thank you Elif for your suggestion. I will buy this one!
I'm very pleased that you want to read one of my suggestion books :))
I have bought already many, now I only need the time to read them!
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